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About Us

About Us

Nederlandse Storage Maatschappij BV is an independent operator of midstream and downstream bulk liquid shipping and storage facilities for chemicals, oils and refined petroleum products currently owning and operating a global network of storage with a combined storage capacity of 1.6 million m³. Our global footprint consists of facilities located in Rotterdam serving over 9000 customers including all major players. Our goal is simple. We aim to provide our customers with the safest, most reliable and efficient tank storage and logistical systems. Together with our highly knowledgeable personnel, we ensure that there is no such thing as a dangerous product – at least not when under our care. We are confident of achieving our goal since our activities are founded upon a sound risk management philosophy that involves ensuring a healthy and responsible balance between taking advantage of opportunities and fostering an innovative and entrepreneurial spirit while managing risks to acceptable levels.

To further improve our shareholders value we continue to employ a strategy of controlled growth of our tank terminal-based service network through acquisitions, new buildings and upgrading of existing facilities. Nederlandse Storage Maatschappij BV has a strong customer orientation and provides tailor-made infrastructure. Its focus is on safe, efficient and reliable services in constructing and operating its facilities. Nederlandse Storage Maatschappij BV offer industry-leading asset protection and security compliance programs. Nederlandse Storage Maatschappij BV understands that our customers may have important and unique needs related to homeland security regulatory compliance, high-risk products, or brand protection. We offer consultation and proactive partnership to ensure that our customers’ security needs are met. By leveraging modern and proven technologies, we provide for the integrity of customer assets while in-transit or at one of our facilities.

Core Principles

At the core of Nederlandse Storage Maatschappij BV are the principles of integrity, honesty and respect for people, and our reputation is founded on these. The trust and confidence of those with whom we deal, as well as the communities in which we operate, is a real asset, critical to the continued growth and success of our company. The management of Nederlandse Storage Maatschappij BV commits itself to these core principles in the company’s Policy Statement. It is crucial that staff members know how to do conduct business according to Nederlandse Storage Maatschappij BV core principles as laid down in the Policy Statement. Nederlandse Storage Maatschappij BV Code of Conduct sets out the company’s expectations and requirements regarding the conduct of our business. The Code of Conduct summarizes the way these principles must be applied in all our dealings with our stakeholders.

More detailed guidance is set out in separate statements on Employment, Health and Safety, the Environment, Community Affairs and Compliance. We believe in developing partnerships and aspire to be the preferred partner for professional storage and shipping services. We pursue sustainable growth through expansion of existing facilities, construction of new terminals, and acquisitions in markets with continued growth in petroleum products, petrochemicals and refrigerated gas. We foster an entrepreneurial spirit with a decentralized management structure, and a can-do mentality by empowering people to make the right decisions. We care for our people by helping them develop the right skills and capabilities, and offer continuous training to achieve the best possible results.

Mission and Vision

Our mission is to reduce our clients’ risks, improve their performance and help them innovate to meet the challenges of quality, health & safety, environmental protection and social responsibility. While the products in our tanks are crucial to people’s everyday lives and to the economy, they can impact people’s health and the environment if badly stored or handled. It is our role and responsibility to ensure safe, clean and efficient storage. We have a commitment to care, which extends to all our stakeholders, including our colleagues and contractors, our customers and the communities in which we operate.


Service and quality are key to Nederlandse Storage Maatschappij BV . This has traditionally been based on self-sufficiency, proficiency, exacting quality requirements and continuous innovation. The company’s top priority is to fully match the client’s needs with flexible storage and transport solutions.We are committed to excellence in everything we do and continually strive to improve across the organisation. We are passionate about achieving results that exceed expectations – our own and those of others. We drive for positive results with energy and a sense of urgency. We seek new opportunities and out-of-the-ordinary solutions. We use our creativity to find unexpected and practical ways to solve problems. Our experience, technology and perseverance enable us to overcome challenges and deliver value.


For a company like Nederlandse Storage Maatschappij BV that takes the lead, vision and business development go hand in hand. Nederlandse Storage Maatschappij BV plans further investments in automation, attracting the right people, on-going innovation, and seeing and grasping opportunities. Yet safety always comes first. We are honest with ourselves and others. We meet the highest ethical standards in all our business dealings. We do what we say and always keep our word. We accept responsibility and hold ourselves accountable for our work and our actions. We encourage a culture of zero tolerance to fraud and corruption and are responsible corporate citizens.